Thursday, January 19, 2012

Soooo I'm gonna blog now

I have cancer.

Well, I might.  It's likely.
That's what I was told today.

It's weird to say that.  Everything feels kinda weird today actually.
So why not write about it?

I like to share and tell stories, so I'm gonna let you in on all the gory details of this one.

I haven't been feeling well for a few weeks now.  I had what I still think was a gallbladder episode a couple of weeks ago.  Luckily.  It got me to go into urgent care and get an ultrasound.  Nothing painful and the tech was cute.  No sweat.  I figured they would call and tell me I would need to have it removed.  And that would be the big discussion MJ and I would have since she wouldn't want me to do it and I was leaning towards it.
When my doctor called to tell me they found spots on my liver it felt like she was punching me there.  She hardly mentioned the gallstone and was ordering tests left and right yet trying to tell me everything was probably fine in a tone of voice that lead me to believe it wasn't.  So today's news was not a complete and total jaw dropping shock.  But it still is weird to hear. And I kinda made this face

What I was told today is that they think the spots are secondary cancer.  Not originating in the liver.  So now we need to find where it came from.  So I really don't know a lot.  I know I'm in for some not very fun days and some poking and prodding.  Beyond that, we will just have to see when we know.

I would've imagined news like this to be devastating, but it's not.  I'm not scared and that's kinda freaking me out.  I'm a little sad but mostly I'm mentally taking warrior pose.  I'm preparing for battle.  I just don't know what kind of army I'm up against yet.
I very much believe in the power of prayer and positive thought and that is another reason I have chosen to blog this little adventure.  I want to share this journey with my family and friends and invite you mentally take warrior pose with me right now.  And as soon as I know what kind of army were up against, I'll let you know.

Here's some things I like you to know in the mean time:
1. Feel free to ask me questions.  Anything.
2. Don't be weird around me. Seriously. Stop it.  I'm sick, but I'm still Heather.
3. Laughter is good medicine.  Feel free to share it with me.  Send me shit, you know like

Cause that's hilarious.

And lastly, know that I'm fine.  This is not ideal by any means, but I'm as OK as I can be.

Warrior poses!


  1. Do work lady! Kick it's staunchy lil ass and be the inspiration I already know you are!!

  2. Sending warrior pose and prayers to you from Austin!

  3. Well, I'm not much with prayers, but I'm HUGE with love and envisioning positive things for you! You're a dear friend and I look forward to frequenting this blog and to being a passenger in this journey with you.

  4. Love and hugs! I love to laugh and joke so I am youe girl! Plus I hve some great movies that would have you peeing in your thongs! Woot! Woot! Not to mention I am free during the day if you need/want company. I will even do the afrikan warrior dance with my belly out for you! Bottom line......Cancer get thee out of there u will not win! Goooooooo Heather!
    XOXO ebony aka butterfly.

  5. Heather, you are amazing! You are in our thoughts and prayers. We know that God will provide you strength in the days ahead. Love you lots!

    Cathy & David

  6. Tomorrow is my youngest son's first "birthday". It was 1 year ago tomorrow that he completed his last chemo therapy after 3 1/2 years of treatment for leukemia. The secret to his success? Having a group of people around him with the same attitude as you've got girl! Stay positive, fight hard, laugh a lot, don't look at what the nurse has in his/her hand, and our battle cry . . . Keep Believing! We also frequently used to say "Suck IT Cancer!l Sending much love and positive energy your way!

  7. Heather,
    You will definitely be in our thoughts & prayers.
    Lisa, Dave, Chris, Carolyn & Taylor
    PS Taylor says, "Wuv you!"

  8. Hi Heather & MJ, Will keep in touch with the blog. You will be in Harry and my prayers always. Not quite sure what a warrior dance is.......But, I'll find out and do it for you. Do you guys skype? I just got a new computer and have a camera now, so I'd be happy to do a warrior dance for you if it would make you laugh. LOL I'm sure it would at least make you crack up somewhat or make you p your pants. Goodnight for now and sweetdreams. Love, Pam and Harry xoxo

  9. We are ready for action Heather! All systems are go for prayer power and positive energy forces in the mitten state. Our love goes out to you and your family. My prayer is that it really is your gall bladder that caused capsulated abscesses on your liver...much better than the "C" word diagnosis. We will stay the course with you!
    The Sookhai's
